Login with MacID (McMaster staff and faculty)

McMaster staff and faculty must login using their MacID. To access the MacID login screen, click the blue login button.

 Login with Email (non-McMaster Users)

If you do not have a McMaster email, and have been granted access to FHSDB, you can login using your email and password.

 Need Help Logging In?

If you require access to a CV on behalf of a faculty member, you will need to be added as a proxy. This can be done by the faculty member in FHS DB. 

Please visit our FHS DB Information website or click here to find the User Guide on How to Login to FHS DB


Are you a faculty member who needs help to activate your MacID in order to log into this system?

Click here for a User Guide on How to Activate your MacID

To activate your MacID, you must provide your Person ID and Barcode number, which are located on your appointment letter. If you cannot find these credentials, we may be able to help. Click the button below to start the process:

 Privacy Statement

FIPPA notification for faculty and the use of the MacFACTS Database

McMaster University collects and retains personal and professional information of faculty members using services provided by McMaster University, under the authority of The McMaster University Act, 1976.

This information is used for the academic, administrative, employment-related, financial and statistical purposes of the University. The Faculty of Health Sciences’ curriculum vitae database is used to record faculty members' demographic and address information, academic history (ranks, appointments, affiliations), contributions to teaching, research, clinical and scholarly activities and other fundamental activities related to being an employee of McMaster University, a member of the University community, and a user of services provided by McMaster University, a public post-secondary institution in the Province of Ontario.

The information collected in the database may be used to generate CVs, teaching and clinical dossiers, reports for annual performance reviews and reports to assist in the academic promotion and tenure process. The information you provide will be protected and used in compliance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSO 1990) and will be disclosed only in accordance with this Act. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the University Secretary, Gilmour Hall, Room 210, McMaster University.


There are no system alerts at this time. 

*Updated January 23rd, 2025

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